1. Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly's wings. 蓝色的河水,温馨十二月,透过蜻蜓翅膀看到的皓月。
2. I had seen this kind of situation too, but that would normally happen in the late Decembers. 蝴蝶漫山遍野的情景,自己也有见过,但是这样的情况,通常在十二份才出现。
3. The Met Office has said it expected the freezing conditions to continue into late January after one of the chilliest Decembers on record. 英国气象局此前曾说,刚过去的十二月份是史上最冷的十二月之一,严寒天气预计将持续至一月底。
4. The PS3 realized the greatest increase over last year's November sales and had its third best month in unit sales ever, coming in just under Decembers '07 and '08. PS3机型的销量则比去年同期有了更大的增长,11月份PS3的销量达到了历史第三高的水平,而前两次销量较高的记录则分别是2007年和2008年的12月份。