1. Dr. Murray — as a higher medical authority than the EMTs — had the power to overrule them. 医生穆雷–作为一个比紧急救护技术员更权威的医护人员–有否决护理人员说法的权力。
2. "She'll lose that leg," Enzo heard one of the EMTs, whose face was blanched white from the cold, say. “她要失去那条腿,”恩佐听到其中一位急诊医生——他的脸因为寒冷而发白——说。
3. As the EMTs strapped the burly man into a stretcher, the police handcuffed his arms and legs to the stretcher. 救护车把男人抬上了担架,同时警察也拷上了那名男子的手脚。
4. More than 400 of the dead were first responders, including New York City firefighters, police officers, and EMTs. 超过四百名死亡者是第一批救援人员,包括纽约市消防队员,警察,以及急救医护人员。
5. People's lives often depend on EMTs and other first responders, so they're on-call 24 hours a day, which tends to result in quite irregular hours. 人们的生还有赖于紧急救护和第一响应,所以他们必须24小时在岗,这就决定了工作时间的不固定。