1. A prophet warned that the trouble would not be removed until the murderer of the former king Laius was driven out of the country. 一个预言家警告说,不会麻烦删除,直到前国王拉伊俄斯的凶手被赶出国门。
2. When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer. 当奥狄浦斯指责泰瑞·西斯参与谋杀了拉伊俄斯时,泰瑞·西斯勇敢地讲出了事实真相:奥狄浦斯才是凶手。
3. The two of them adopted the infant Oedipus after his father Laius left him to die, heeding a prophecy that his son would kill him, which, of course, he eventually did. 他们两在俄狄浦斯的父亲拉伊俄斯(底比斯国王,后为其子oedipus所杀)离开他死了之后选择了幼小的俄狄浦斯。注意预言他儿子会杀了他,当然,他最终这样做了。