1. What I shall do in coming weeks is to look at how all of this actually works, how Marxists took up the baton and what the consequences of it all were. 接下来几周我要做的是看看这一切究竟是如何运作的,马克思主义者是如何接过接力棒的,以及这一切的后果是什么。
2. This is the kind of sardonicinquiry that Marxists have grown used to dealing with. 这是在马克思主义者已经习惯于应对的一个嘲讽的质询。
3. One good question is why have the Marxists been to a certain extent familiar with the great philosophical struggle, while the defenders of freedom were not? 一个不错的问题是,为什么马克思主义者已经在一定程度上熟悉了这场伟大的哲学争斗,而自由的辩护者们却没有?
4. Western Marxists just inherit this tradition and target satire at contemporary cultural phenomenons in order to reveal modem people's mental crisis and alienation. 西方马克思主义者正是继承这一传统,把批判的矛头指向了当代社会的一切文化现象,来揭示现代人的精神危机和异化。
5. It emphasized the perspective of the Enlightenment to understand the May 4th New Culture Movement, which was used for research not only by many Marxists but also by quite a few scholars today. 它侧重于从“启蒙”的角度来认识五四新文化运动,不仅为后来许多马克思主义者所沿用,也成为今天不少学者分析五四的重要视角。