1. Language: Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara are the official languages. 语言:西班牙语、克丘亚语和阿伊·马拉语。
2. The name Sabancaya means "tongue of fire" in the Quechua Indian language. 在克丘亚印地安语中,萨班·卡亚是“火舌”的意思。
3. The newfound native language may have borrowed from Quechua, a language still spoken by indigenous peoples of Peru, Quilter said. 奎尔特称新发现的原住民语言可能借鉴了克丘亚语,一种秘鲁原住民现在仍然还在使用的语言。
4. Now, heading into the tunnel, he mumbles a prayer in his native Quechua language to the deity who rules the mountain and all the gold within. 现在,他走入矿道,用当地的盖丘亚族语喃喃自语,向统治山脉和金矿的神灵祈祷。