1. They can turn around and act in a way that is loyal and true above and beyond the call of duty. 他们可以转变,以一种超越职责的忠诚和真实的方式行事。
2. As it lost weight, it started to incline its orbit toward the earth: it was dangerous, above and beyond anything else. 当它失重的时候,它开始将它的轨道向地球倾斜:这是危险的,比其他任何东西都危险。
3. However, a pilot can only choose to fly IFR if they possess an instrument rating which is above and beyond the basic pilot's license that must also be held. 然而,如果飞行员持有的仪器等级在其必须持有的基本的飞行员执照等级之上,那么飞行员只能选择仪表飞行规则。
4. Look at anything above and beyond that as icing on the cake. 其他那以上的都是蛋糕上的糖衣。
5. Whether you can go above and beyond your job description. 你是否能在职位描述所列的工作项目之外,做的更多更好。