1. However, operators must not rely exclusively on these safety devices: they must also become fully familiar with the safety guidelines presented below to ensure accident-free operation. 不过,使用者一定不要单单依赖这些安全装置:他们也必须完全熟悉下面所示的安全指南以确保无事故操作。
2. They had to be cut free from their car after the accident. 事故后,得破开汽车把他们救出来。
3. Or do you think it's an accident that file-sharing and free culture have roots in the free software community? 那么你想一想文件分享和自由文化是否是根植于自由软件文化的?
4. When the work is well done, a climate of accident. free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum. 如果工作做得好,就能建立一个无事故操作的环境,在这里,由于人员伤害而损失的时间保持在最低程度。
5. Andrew, his cousin and friends in the party, through a breathtaking field caving trip, and accident free super ability to manipulate objects. 安德鲁、表哥与好友在聚会过程中,进行了一次惊险的野外探洞之旅,并意外获得了自由操纵物体的超能力。