1. Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document. 请对这个文件的初稿提出修改和补充意见。
2. The requirements for weld inspection in the code 2002 addenda are defined and detailed. 新法规焊缝检验技术要求更加明确、具体。
3. Requests for interpretation, Suggestions for improvement or addenda, or defect reports are welcome. 要求解释,改良建议或补遗,或瑕疵报告是受欢迎的。
4. First, we should look addenda from a book in order to concentrate on reading and about a book's chapter. 我们要先看一下书后的附录,以便集中精力阅读和主题有关的章节。
5. This contract is issued to cover supply of Code documents including all addenda that are issued during a 3 year period. 上述合同包括规范文件的提供,以及近三年发布的所有补遗文件。