1. Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. 战后日本的生产力和社会和谐令美国和欧洲艳羡,漫无目的并不是战后日本的典型特征。
2. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall. 肯定是这种明显的无目的游逛使我倒了霉。
3. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall. 现在看来,一定是这种明显的毫无目的的游逛,使我倒了霉。
4. Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth? 这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?
5. They're an invasion of love into our selfishness, joy into our dullness, purpose into our aimlessness, wonder into our boredom. 他们以爱入侵我们的自私,以快乐入侵我们的枯燥,给我们没有方向的生命注入意义,给我们乏味的生命注入奇妙。