1. Its analysis has addressed how it lost—by alienating too many blue-collar voters, for example—rather than why. 分析已经表明了它是怎么落选的了——例如,疏远了太多的蓝领选民——而不是为什么落选了。
2. The current overwhelming promotion of white middle-class ideas and lifestyles risks alienating children from minority groups. 当前对于白人中产阶级思想和生活方式的大力宣传可能导致儿童疏远少数族裔。
3. I don't know, you're kind of alienating a large client there. 我不知道,您可是在孤立一个很大的客户群呀!
4. But the Clintons' tactics are alienating blacks and young people. 但是克林顿夫妇的策略正在排斥黑人和年轻人。
5. Your workaholic ways are likely alienating once-valued associates. 你的工作狂状态可能会疏远以前重要的同事。