1. The thieves jumped him in a dark alleyway. 一伙盗贼在一条漆黑的小巷里突然扑向他。
2. There was another alleyway which came to a dead end just behind the house. 还有一个小巷,就在这房子后面形成了死胡同。
3. Access was gained to these shops through the small alleyway at the back of the properties—it's dark and as you can imagine, no one saw the thief or thieves in action. 通过房子后面的小巷子可以进入这些商店,那里很黑,你可以想象不会有人看到小偷的行动。
4. This alleyway is quite narrow. 这条弄堂可够窄的。
5. This alleyway is known to be quite dangerous. 大家都知道这条小巷非常危险。