1. Calls by scientists for large increases in the appropriation of funds for public spending on agricultural research are more than justified. 科学家们呼吁大幅增加农业研究的公共开支拨款,是非常合理的。
2. Other charges include fraud and illegal appropriation of land. 其他指控包括诈骗和非法占用土地。
3. Perhaps struggle unfolds first, not at an economic or social level, but over the appropriation of air, essential to life itself. 也许首先展开的不是在经济或社会层面上的斗争,而是为占有对生命本身必不可少的空气而斗争。
4. The appropriation of new knowledge through creativity. 在创造性实践中灵活运用新知识的能力。
5. Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining. 抄袭就是不正当的盗用别人的成果。