2. What do people often do on Chinese Arbor Day? 人们常常在中国植树节这一天做什么?
3. As years go by, Arbor Day has become one of the major holidays in America. 随着时间流逝,植树节已经成为美国的主要节日之一。
4. The desert is engulfing our world, but that fellow is still considering how much his image can be glorified after Arbor Day's show. 沙漠正在吞噬我们的世界,但是那个家伙还在考虑这场植树节表演后他的形象能被美化多少。
5. The National Arbor Day Foundation has challenged many cities to earn its "Tree City USA" flag by planting and protecting more trees. 国家植树节基金会向许多城市发起挑战,要求它们通过种植和保护更多的树木来赢得那面“美国树城”的旗帜。