1. A great word that means the same as your archenemy is Nemesis. 和死敌意思一样的词语就是克星(nemesis)。
2. The lampblack of the kitchen is the archenemy of mom, to this everybody detest. 厨房的油烟是妈妈们的大敌,对此大家深恶痛绝。
3. Everyone's favorite mechanical hero returns to face his archenemy one more time in this nerve-racking test of skill. 每个人最喜欢的机械英雄在这个伤脑筋的技能测试中会再次面对他的主要敌人。
4. While Keating is Roark's professional rival, he is not quite Roark's adversary: by turns contemptible and pathetic, Peter Keating is not up to the role of archenemy. 虽然基廷是罗克生意上的竞争对手,但他不是很像罗克的敌人:卑鄙和下贱的彼特·基廷不配胜任大魔王的角色。
5. The 1990s pitted Superman against not only a bad mullet but also big corporations — his archenemy Lex Luthor was even redefined as a cunning millionaire businessman. 上世纪90年代,走下神坛的超人除了与一头糟糕的胭脂鱼发型抗战之外,还向大财团们宣战——他的死对头克莱斯•卢瑟甚至被重新定义为一个阴险狡猾的百万富翁。