1. He has taken to travelling in an armour-plated car. 他乘一辆装甲汽车旅行去了。
2. The armour-plated rhino calf is the first of its kind to be born at Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire for 17 years. 这只浑身武装著铠甲的小犀牛是英国贝德福德郡惠普斯奈德动物园17年来降生的首只犀牛。
3. WITH a police bomb squad present, armour-plated cars for many speakers, platoons of bodyguards and enough firearms to quell an insurrection, “Trame” (“Plots”) was an unusual literary festival. “Trame”(“密谋”)是一次与众不同的文学盛事,因为有一个警察防爆破小组在场,演讲者使用的是装甲汽车,还安排了数名保安和足够的火力以平息一场骚乱。