1. Throw your clothes in a backpack and do it up Army Ranger style. 把你的衣服整理成突击队员那种风格背着回家。
2. With the aid of military and naval experts hired in Holland, England, Scotland and Prussia he created and equipped a new-style army and built a Russian navy from scratch. 在从荷兰、英格兰、苏格兰以及普鲁士聘请来的军事以及海军专家的帮助下,他建立了一支装备精良的新式陆军,并从零开始建立了俄罗斯海军。
3. With reappearance of the history, Eighth Route Army tries to convey the beauty of sight, emotion, and senses to audience, forming an epic style of "epic in history, and history in epic". 《八路军》在再现历史的同时,力求向观众传达视觉之美、情感之美、理性之美,形成一种“史中有诗,诗中有史”的史诗风格。
4. Many of the movie's scenes, like the ones showing the bombing attacks by the Japanese army, are very Hollywood-style, both in terms of their scale and technical level. 片中,包括日军轰炸场面在内的有许多镜头,就规模及技术层面而言,都是十足的好莱坞范。
5. Finally, with the army is not on track to lose the competition, but also lost because of its style strong won the respect of the enemy, good try. 最终,这支非正轨军固然输失落了竞赛,却也因其作风坚强获得了敌手的尊敬,虽败犹荣。