1. Sheets of rain were falling and produced a black gloss on the asphalt. 大雨倾盆而下,使沥青有了黑色的光泽。
2. In India, they mix thrown-out plastic waste with asphalt and use it to pave new roadways. 在印度,他们把丢弃的塑料废品和沥青混合起来,用来铺设新的道路。
3. The first is the heat capacity of the materials that constitute the city, which is typically dominated by concrete and asphalt. 首先是构成城市的材料的热容,通常由混凝土和沥青主导。
4. Afterward, time strode over me slowly, just like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth. 后来,时间慢慢地从我身上走过,就像压路机在不够平整的沥青路面上碾过一样。
5. In almost all places in New York State where ducky salamanders used to live, suburban development has cleared uplands and put down asphalt. 在纽约州几乎所有有蝾螈曾经生活过的地方,郊区的发展使得沥青遍地,取代了高地。