1. They offered me money if I would betray my associates. 如果我出卖自己的同伴,他们就会给我钱。
2. Jay, what does the fax from our associates in Britain say? 杰,我们的英国同事发来的传真怎么说?
3. Looking at a piece of porcelain like a teacup, no one associates it with the shellfish or pigs . 看着自己面前的一只茶杯,或是之类的瓷器,没有人会由它联想到贝类动物和猪。
4. Looking at a piece of porcelain like a teacup, no one associates it with the shellfish or pigs . 看着自己面前的一只茶杯,或是之类的瓷器,没有人会由它联想到贝类动物和猪。
5. The story of comb would not be worthy of mention, but for a closely related word, no one today associates with it. 梳子的故事不值一提,要不是有一个与它密切相关的词,如今没人会联想到它。