1. But that is how God intended it when he made this world — happy and at one with Him. 但是这正是上帝在创造之初的设想——幸福,与上帝同在。
2. They too may come to you for advice sensing that you are at One with all else around you. 他们的到来也是为了给你提供建议,你被包围在一种整体的和谐中。
3. To strengthen each other (and) to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories. "- George Eliot." 每个人在这无声的记忆里都获得了力量。
4. When you shed this, you become at one with the intuitive laws through which all things alive are organised. 当你卸下这些外在之物后,你会成为一个由直觉规律支配的人,这也是世间万物有序存在的规律。
5. "Mindfulness also makes people feel more connected to other people-that empathic feeling of being" at one with the universe. 正念也使人们感到与他人关系更密切——那种“与宇宙合一”的心意相通的感觉。