1. These plants love warm, humid atmospheres. 这些植物喜欢温暖潮湿的空气。
2. They shouldn't work in smoky atmospheres. 他们不应该在烟雾弥漫的环境中工作。
3. By comparison, the terrestrial planets have meager atmospheres at best. 相比之下,类地行星最多只有稀薄的大气层。
4. The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia. 木星的行星有非常厚的大气层,且由不同数量的氢、氦、甲烷和氨等元素组成。
5. The idea was that trapped greenhouse gases in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars might have caused temperatures to raise enough to compensate for the low heat the young Sun provided. 这个理论就是:在地球和火星的大气层里有足够的温室气体,来帮助提升温度,从而弥补了早期的太阳提供的较低的热量。