1. The life of the troops was still comparatively austere. 部队生活相对而言仍然简朴。
2. The room was austere, nearly barren of furniture or decoration. 这个房间很简朴,几乎没有什么家具或装饰。
3. These days the word "kefir" is consequently more likely to bring to mind glamorous, yoga mat-toting women from Los Angeles than austere visions of blustery Eastern Europe. 因此,如今“开菲尔”这个词更容易让人联想到来自洛杉矶、带着瑜伽垫的魅力四射的女性,而不是那种狂风大作的东欧的简朴景象。
4. My father was a distant, austere man. 我父亲是个难以接近的严肃的人。
5. This work is in austere counterpoint to that of Gaudi. 这件作品的质朴风格与高迪的形成了有趣的对比。