2. Over the past years, he babied his wife too much. 过去多年来他过分娇纵他的太座。
3. It likes you quite a lot. It seems to want to be babied a little. 相当亲密呀,似乎想对你撒娇的样子。
4. I won't have these men who really are wounded see that man babied so. 我不想真正受伤的人,看见他这样受到娇宠。
5. Kids are babied to the point that they aren't allowed to get dirty, and dogs are ripped from their nobility and turned into dolls. 孩子就是她们的心肝她们不会让她脏着,她们喜欢把狗狗打扮得像个娃娃以彰显她们的高贵。