1. Your trick-or-treater is nothing close to the size of a Giant Panda, but he's sure to impress with this adorable baby-sized version in black and white (bamboo not included! ). 你欺骗或处理机是大熊猫的大小接近,但他一定要留下深刻的印象,这个可爱的婴儿大小的黑色和白色版本(不包括竹)!。
2. Six weeks after conception, your baby is the size of your little fingernail. 受孕六周后你的孩子有你小手指甲那么大。
3. Baby boys do not react at all to the difference and the size of the cube. 男婴对立方体的大小和差异完全没有反应。
4. Still, Dr. Bernstein said the study was strong not just because of its size but because it weighed factors other than malformations, such as birth weight, that also affect the health of the baby. 伯恩斯坦博士还说,这项研究之所以强大,不仅是因为它的规模,还因为它考虑到除畸形以外同样影响婴儿健康的因素,如出生体重。
5. Baby kangaroos are called joeys and are only the size of your thumb when they're born! 袋鼠宝宝称作“幼兽”,它们刚出生的时候只有拇指大小!