2. He knows where foxes and badgers and otters live. 他知道狐狸、獾和水獭住在什么地方。
3. Perhaps we badgers too, in our small way, helped a little—who knows? 也许我们獾子也用我们微不足道的方式帮了一点小忙——谁知道呢?
4. There were badgers here, I've been told, long before that same city ever came to be. 我听说,在同样的那座城市出现很久以前,这里就有獾子了。
5. Everything is made out of Magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people. 所有的东西都是用魔法做成的,包括叶子、树,花、鸟,獾、狐狸,松鼠和人。