1. Badging works well when you want to tell users how many items are waiting for their attention. 当你想要告诉用户有多少通知项在等待他们的注意时,徽章很有效。
2. Badging is the least intrusive way to tell users that there is new content they might be interested in. 徽章是打扰程度最小的方式告知用户有新的他们感兴趣的内容。
3. The scalable card access system integrates all security subsystems, including badging, video, visitor management, security systems, and more. 该存取软件整合了所有的安全子系统,包括识别功能、访客管理、安全系统甚至更多。
4. The badging system will be integrated across all perimeter gates and can be integrated, via the enterprise LAN, with the enterprise human resource systems, as needed. 整个外围大门的登记系统将整合,并且需要时可与企业LAN与企业人力资源系统整合。