2. May we remind you that there is a balance due on your account? 请允许我们提醒您,在您的账户上有一笔到期的款项未结算。
3. This job was better, but I still felt out of balance due to the two hour daily commute (one hour each way) and the on-call nature of the job. 它比原来的好一些 但是我仍旧觉得失衡 因为它每天上下班需要花费两个小时(来回各一个小时)而且需要随叫随到。
4. Payment of the balance due is made each month upon receipt of a payment request from affiliates who have exceeded a minimum balance of 50.00 Euro. 结欠金额的支付是在每月收到那些余额超过50.00欧元的联盟会员提出付款请求后执行的。
5. We never complain that our wages are low, we never lose our mental balance due to those big townhouses you bought with the money you took from my meager wage. 我们没有因为工资微薄而抱怨过,没有因为你们拿着从我微薄工资里扣的税,住着连体排屋而心里失衡过。