1. Ps Oh believed strongly in introducing people to Christ with every opportunity, baptising them after bible studies, and training them to become Disciples of Christ. 胡牧师相信一有机会引人认识主,让人借着查经受洗归主,随后进一步培训信徒成为基督的门徒。
2. I was pretty fed up when everyone failed to see what we had achieved in Iraq, but an audience with the Pope, who said, "It is you who should be baptising me", soon cheered me up. 当所有人对我们在伊拉克的战果视而不见时,我真的感到了厌烦。 但在一次见到教皇时,他说:“瞧瞧你的样子,好像是来给我施洗礼的。”