1. Why has an entire world become so captivated by its basest behavior? 为什么整个世界都在为如此卑劣的行为而着迷?
2. He must learn them again, he must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid. 他一定要重新认识这些问题。他必须使自己明白世间最可鄙的事情莫过于恐惧。
3. He traveled to the Sith world of Ziost, where the energy of the dark side tempted him to give in to his basest instincts. 本来到西斯的星球锡奥斯特,在那里,黑暗面的能量引诱他屈服于最原始的本能。
4. Responsible editors and reporters like to think they do not pander to people's basest interests, but rather guide and educate them. 那些负责任的编辑和记者们会在更高层次去引导和教育他们的受众,而并非一味迎合人们的低层次需求。
5. The encrypt card is the basest and important part of network security system, and managing the key securely is the main aim of encrypt card. 密码卡是网络信息安全系统中基本而又非常重要的一部分,实现安全的密钥管理是密码卡的主要目的。