1. With its vivid description of the life of ancient Chinese people, the book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. 因其对中国古人生活的生动描写,这本书将会吸引一大批的读者。
2. I'll tell you one thing that may be of interest to you. 但我会告诉你一件你可能感兴趣的事。
3. In more complex solutions, some kind of queue handler could be of interest. 在更为复杂的解决方案中,某些类型的队列处理程序应是关注的中心。
4. Pick one or more mailing list that might be of interest for yourself, and start reading. 选择一个或多个自己可能感兴趣的邮件列表,并开始阅读。
5. If your major requires that you work with Numbers, this extension might be of interest to you. 如果你主要的需求是与数据打交道,这个扩展对你而言可能很有趣。