1. Second, heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies, who can easily be scared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion accessories. 其次,高跟鞋在防御迎面而来的敌人时非常有用,这些敌人很容易被这些锋利的、致命的时尚配饰吓走。
2. Don't be scared to follow your dreams. 不要害怕追求你的梦想。
3. Don't be scared to learn something new. 不要害怕学新东西。
4. Other times, you may be scared or worried. 另一些时候,你可能害怕或担忧。
5. If she is scared, then be scared yourself. 如果TA很害怕,那么你也害怕。