1. Their ship is bearing down on the shore. 他们的船正向河岸疾驶。
2. And, lowering his rifle, he took aim at the captain of the gun, who, at that moment, was bearing down on the breach of his gun and rectifying and definitely fixing its pointing. 于是他放低他的卡宾枪,瞄准那个正俯身在炮膛口校正方位的炮长。
3. The ship is bearing down with the land. 这艘船正在向陆地驶来。
4. It broke down because America refused to pay the domestic price for bearing the system's weight. 由于美国拒绝牺牲国内价格来承受系统的压力而导致体系的土崩瓦解。
5. The swarm-bearing man glided down a hill into a marsh. 这位载着蜂群的男人滑下山岗,滑进一片沼泽。