1. Even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. 即使孩子们看到了真诚悔过的例子,他们仍然需要别人来帮助他们理解道歉的复杂性。
2. It means using all of our senses to become aware of our world. 这意味着动用我们所有的感观去了解我们这个世界。
3. So when I become aware of my eyes, I touch one of the conditions of happiness. 所以,当我开始意识到我的眼睛时,我感受到了这就是一种快乐。
4. As with trying to change any behavior, the first step is to become aware of it. 改变说话习惯就像改变任何行为方式一样,第一步就是要认清问题所在。
5. You may straight away become aware of your third eye, but that does not happen often. 你或许可以即刻感知第三眼,但这样的事目前还未发生过。