1. He was living alone in a dingy bedsit in London. 他独自一人住在伦敦一间昏暗的客卧两用出租屋里。
2. Every night, I retreat to my lonely bedsit, and sit and do some life doing. 每天晚上,我都退隐到我的小房间里面,坐着随便做点什么事。
3. She has been offered a small bedsit, but wants to be near her five daughters and 21 grandchildren, who visit her every day. 虽然分得一间一室户的房子,她还是希望能够住在五个女儿及21个孙儿附近——即使他们常常来看她。
4. "He phoned me up in my bedsit, and said," - and Merton puts on a posh voice - "' now you know what sort of show it is, don't you?" '? “他打电话到卧房中,把我叫醒,然后说,”——默顿用优雅的的声音说着——“‘现在你知道那是什么类型的表演吧,不是吗?”’
5. Eventually Joseph answered the door of his housing association property and we climbed to the top floor and his 28 Spartan 29 bedsit. 最后,约瑟夫终于打开了房门(他租住的是房屋协会的物业),于是我们爬上顶楼,来到了他简朴的单间。