1. New circumstances are constantly begetting new needs for our safety. 新情况不断带来新的需要为我们的安全。
2. This inbred code is begetting (or cloning) half-wits by the score, or so it seems. 本系代码产生(或克隆)笨蛋的分数,或看起来是这样的。
3. Givenplayed in two losing Wembley finals for Newcastle, but added: "We'd begetting ahead of ourselves talking about the final now." 吉文在代表纽卡斯尔出战的时候,曾两次饮恨温布利球场,但他补充说:“对于现在这场决赛,我们应该往前看。”
4. The Old Testament world of Cossethay, with its ceaseless begetting and harvesting, with the rainbow that stands over it as the sign of God's pleasure in the order of his creation, has finally elapsed. 廓斯赛如《旧约》中的世界,永无停歇的生儿育女、春播秋收;还有那天边的彩虹,如上帝创造世界后,表示满意的标志——这一切,最后都崩溃了。
5. "Would there be less stress in our marriage if Michael saw things the way that I did?" Brittany asks. "Sure." But life would be a lot less interesting. And I wouldn't begetting diamonds for Christmas. 布列塔尼问道:“如果麦克尔与我的观点一致,我们的婚姻是否会少很多压力呢?”当然会的。那样的话,我们的婚姻生活会变得乏味。或许他也不会送我钻石作圣诞节礼物了。