1. The city is a sprawling behemoth with no heart. 这座城市像缺失中心的庞然大物向外延伸。
2. The technology industry was coming under the sway of a dominant behemoth, one that had the potential to stifle innovation and squash its competitors. 科技行业正在受到一个占据主导地位的庞然大物的影响,这个庞然大物有可能扼杀创新,打压竞争对手。
3. China may be a behemoth, but it is not a dinosaur. 中国或许是个庞然大物,但它不是一只恐龙。
4. Nokia is also a global behemoth, with 35% of the world's handset market. 诺基亚手机占世界手机市场的35%,也是个全球巨兽。
5. With over 250 million users, Facebook is a social networking behemoth. Facebook的用户超2.5亿, 是一个社会网络巨头。