2. Every five years, the government tries to tell Americans what to put in their bellies. 每隔五年,政府就试着告诉美国人应该吃什么。
3. The figures' fat bellies tilted them forward, and a D-shaped base allowed handlers to roll and rock them side to side. 这些人的大腹便便使他们身体前倾,D 形的底座可以让操纵者左右滚动和摇摆。
4. Edible oils are filling fuel tanks as well as bellies. 食用油不仅填饱了我们的肚子,也装满了我们的油箱。
5. After Bear left, Deer and Elk also filled their bellies. 熊离开之后,鹿和麋鹿也来填饱他们的肚子。