1. Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured. 七岁时进行的测试为孩子在学校中的学习发展提供了一个测量基准。
2. Inside the kit are the benchmark facilities for loading the database and driving the benchmark. 这个工具包中有用于加载数据库和驱动基准测试程序的一些基准工具。
3. The economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50. 经济低迷正在抑制市场对石油和天然气的需求,导致基准原油价格跌破每桶50美元。
4. The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy. 卡车产业是衡量经济发展的基准。