1. By using flexible components, these screens will also become bendy. 通过使用可折叠的组分,这些屏幕将会变得易弯曲。
2. That's why this research, which USES tiny strips of bendy wires, marries low power usage with the flexibility needed for skin. 而这次研究通过使用细小的可弯曲电线,既利用了无机材料的低电耗特性又满足了对皮肤材质柔韧性的要求。
3. For all these reasons, then, engineers have long dreamed of building chips out of something cheaper and more bendy-plastic, say. 出于上述原因,工程师长久以来一直梦想用一种更便宜以及更易弯曲的材料来打造芯片——比如说,塑料。
4. At least not for long. because all it takes to turn a straight stretch of river into a bendy one is a little disturbance and a lot of time. 即使有时间也不长,因为如果想把直流扳弯只需细微的干扰和极长的时间。
5. This heartbreaking picture shows a 60-year-old former Playboy model who has resorted to showing off her bendy body in a desperate attempt to raise cash. 这张照片令人心酸:照片里的老人60岁,曾是《花花公子》模特,如今她沦落街头,靠表演柔术乞讨。