1. He shook his head in bewilderment at the obduracy of this man. 这男人顽固不化,令他困惑不解、连连摇头。
2. During the confusion and bewilderment of the second day Mary hid herself in the nursery and was forgotten by everyone. 在混乱和慌张的第二天,玛丽躲在育儿室里,被大家遗忘了。
3. Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang. 令专业水准的科学家十分困惑的是,准宗教崇拜正围绕量子物理学、时空相对论、黑洞和大爆炸等不太可能的话题而形成。