1. Instead, Dr Couzin has built a biddable robot three-spined stickleback. 相反,Couzin博士已经设计了一条机器三刺鱼。
2. The arc of golf was perhaps no more biddable than the sad trajectory of his life. 也许,高尔夫球的弧线并不比他悲哀一生的轨迹更温顺吧!
3. "A more gentle and biddable invalid.. Can hardly be conceived" (Henry kingsley). “再没有一个病人会这样温柔和听话了”(亨利·金斯利)。
4. Good natured, placid in basic disposition and fond of children, very devoted, obedient, biddable and eager to work. 通常性情温和,平静,喜欢儿童,非常忠诚,驯服,遵守命令,渴望工作。
5. These strong-eyed dogs have been bred to work in this style. They have also been bred for working temperament, to be biddable working for and with their handler. 人们繁殖S的狗就是为了让它们能以这种方式工作,也为了它们能具有有利工作的良好的性格,顺从,并且听从主人的指令。