2. I reckon being ill AS one of the great pleASures of life, provided one is no too ill and is no to binged to work till one is better. 我认为只要病得不太厉害,而且在未痊愈之前不必急于工作,生病也是人生一大乐事。
3. Rat pups whose mothers binged on fatty and sugary foods were more likely to prefer similar foods when compared to rats born from mothers with regular diets. 与吃常规食物的母鼠产下的幼鼠相比,那些母亲曾钟爱多脂肪,含糖食物的幼鼠更有可能选择类似的食物 。
4. Overall, one-quarter said they had ever had alcohol without permission, while one-fifth said they had ever "binged" - consumed three or more drinks in a day. 总的来说,其中四分之一的人说他们曾经在不被允许的情况下饮酒,与此同时其中有五分之一的人坦白曾经有豪饮的行为——一天要喝掉三瓶或更多。