1. It is smaller than a finger-nail, but it can store more than a million "bits" of information. 它比指甲还小,但却能存储100多万比特的信息。
2. The development of fiber-optic cables allowed for billions of bits of information to be received every minute. 光纤电缆的发展使得每分钟都有数十亿比特的信息被接收。
3. If you ignore 1900, you can figure out if a given year is a leap year just by looking to see if the rightmost two bits are zero. 如果你忽略1900年,你就可以通过观察最右边的两位是否都为零来判断某一年是否为闰年。
4. The resulting limit, given in units of bits per second, is the absolute maximum rate of error-free communication given signal strength and noise level. 在给定信号强度和噪声水平的情况下,以比特每秒为单位给出的最终限制是无差错通信的最大绝对速率。