1. He climbed the ladder, carefully examining blossoms. 他爬上梯子,仔细地观察花朵。
2. The pale pink blossoms or "sakura" are in full bloom, signaling that it's time to flock to parks across the country for picnics under the cherry trees. 浅粉色的花朵即樱花盛开枝头,暗示着人们是时候聚集到全国各地的公园,在樱花树下野餐了。
3. The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air. 槐树正开着花,空气中弥漫着花香。
4. Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms. 那年的春天来得很早,伴随来的是几场温暖的春雨,这时粉红的桃花突然纷纷绽放。
5. They drew the chair under the plum-tree, which was snow-white with blossoms and musical with bees. 他们把轮椅推到李子树下,树开满了雪白的花,蜜蜂在那里欢唱。