1. Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself. 由于受到歇斯底里的博主们及福克斯新闻大嘴的怂恿,共和党将斗争的矛头对准了自己。
2. Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself (see article). 在一个丧失理智的博客世界与福克斯新闻吹牛者所编写的语无伦次文章的煽动下,共和党认识到命运掌握在自己的手中(已开始自食其力)。
3. I often hear blowhards on the radio, wrecking the entire interview because they don't know how to call it quits when the host tells them they have thirty seconds to wrap up. 我经常在广播中听到一些吹牛大王是如何破坏了整个采访的,因为当主持人告诉他们还有30秒收尾的时候他们不懂得如何去结束。