1. Whispers passed along, and a boding uneasiness took possession of every countenance. 大家窃窃私语,每个人的脸上都流露出一种不祥的焦虑。
2. Chinese is dainty about gift in atwain, because odd number is ill-boding. 中国人一般讲究礼品成双,因为奇数被视为不吉利。
3. 2007 is also not boding well with droughts, fires, floods, storms, and more. 2007年在干旱、火灾、洪水、暴风等方面也没有好兆头。
4. The night-hawk, wheeling about in the highest regions of the air, emitted his peevish, boding cry. 夜鹰一边在空中最高处盘旋,一边发出带着怒气的不祥叫声。
5. The results of the August primaries as well as recent polls have been boding ill for the FPV, which may be in for its worst-ever showing. 八月党内初选的结果以及最近的民调,对于FPV来说非常不利,可能也是历来最差的表现。