1. A bon vivant is a person with cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes, especially with respect to food and drink. 美食家是有教养、雅致而爱交际的人,尤其在美食美酒方面很有品位。
2. But they got off easy compared with those invited to the “Funeral Supper” of the 18th-century French bon vivant Grimod de la Reynière, held to promote his opus “Reflections on Pleasure.” 十八世纪的法国美食家格里莫•德•拉雷尼埃尔为了推销其著作《关于快乐之反思》,专门举办了一场“丧宴”。 那些被邀请赴宴的人们就没有那么幸运了。