1. Most of the time, she is bossy and pushy. 大多数时候,她都是专横、固执的。
2. Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. 专横的护士长的脸上滑落点点泪珠。
3. If you weren't so bossy, I wouldn't have done that! 如果你不是那么专横,我就不会那样做了!
4. They sweat in a strange kitchen, take care of a bossy mother-in-law and see their husbands only for a few weeks each year. 她们在陌生的厨房里挥汗如雨,照顾专横的婆婆,每年只有几周时间能见到自己的丈夫。
5. She remembers being a rather bossy little girl. 她记得自己曾是个爱支使人的小女孩。