1. All of the Clariant subordinates must accord with the bottommost request which is local rule of law. 当地法规被视为科莱恩属下的所有公司必须符合的最低要求。
2. Good that you're heeding my advice with the eyebrows, the bottommost face looks a lot more feminine, now. 很好,你听从我关于眉毛的建议,现在最下面的脸看起来更象女性了。
3. Sorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value. 对集合排序并返回指定数目的最底部的元素,这些元素的累积合计至少为指定的值。
4. Sorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage. 对集合排序并返回指定数目的最底部的元素,这些元素的累积合计至少为指定的值。
5. Basic public health services in rural areas were composed of simple public health services, quasi bottommost ensurance and differential ensurance in public health services. 农村基本公共卫生服务包可分为纯公共卫生服务、准公共最低保障卫生服务、准公共差别保障卫生服务三大类。