1. I got treated as if I was a bit brainless. 我被当成傻瓜一样对待。
2. Because I follow a classic pattern, the coding is almost brainless. 因为我沿用了经典模式,所以编码几乎不用动脑子。
3. He suggests that all of this talk lately about "brainless" teens could possibly be an attempt to take away attention from reality. 他指出近来所有关于“愚笨”的青少年的讨论可能减弱大家对本质的关注。
4. Even worse, it could also turn people into brainless, sunlight-averse monsters, leaving survivors no one to talk to but dogs and mannequins. 甚至更糟糕的话,它还会把人变成没有意识且怕光的怪物,而幸存者变得没人能交谈,只能和宠物狗及人偶说话。
5. In England, the center-forward tended traditionally to be a big target-man figure – what Brian Glanville characterized as "the brainless bull at the gate". 在英格兰,传统的中锋一般是个身强体壮的目标球员——布莱恩·格兰维尔将之形容为“球门前那头有勇无谋的公牛”。