1. Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas. 集思广益是出主意的好办法。
2. Hundreds of other ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming. 数百个其它点子在两年的头脑风暴集体讨论中被尝试过但又被摒弃了。
3. Collecting raw material, which is reading books and taking notes, is very much like the process of brainstorming at the prewriting stage of an ordinary essay. 收集原始资料,即阅读书籍和做笔记,很像写一篇普通文章前的头脑风暴过程。
4. I use it for problem solving, brainstorming and working out ideas. 我经常在解决问题、头脑风暴以及策划点子时用到。
5. Today, I had two exhausting, yet interesting, brainstorming sessions. 今天开了两场有点累人但很有意思的智力激励会议。